Panting heavily, Mary surveyed the aftermath of her fierce battle with the wraiths. Her body was battered, but she had survived. However, as she caught her breath, she couldn't help but notice that something was not right. She looked around for a reflective surface and found a small

The Enchanted Reflection

Panting heavily, Mary surveyed the aftermath of her fierce battle with the wraiths. Her body was battered, but she had survived. However, as she caught her breath, she couldn't help but notice that something was not right. She looked around for a reflective surface and found a small mirror lying amidst the fallen leaves.
With trembling hands, Mary held up the mirror and gasped in horror. Her once familiar face was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was only a blank, featureless void staring back at her. Fear and confusion coursed through her veins as she realized her reflection had been stolen.
Determined to uncover the truth, Mary set forth into the depths of the dark forest. As she journeyed further, a sense of foreboding filled the air, making the very trees whisper warnings to those who ventured within their territory.
After hours of searching, Mary stumbled upon a clearing bathed in shimmering moonlight. In the center stood a mystical, towering tree, emanating an aura of enchantment. As she drew closer, she heard a soft, melodic voice whispering on the wind.
"Mary," the voice called, beckoning her nearer. "I have your reflection. Come and claim it."
With cautious steps, Mary approached the ancient tree. Suddenly, a burst of light blinded her momentarily, and when her vision cleared, she found herself facing a beautiful fairy with delicate wings shimmering like luminescent petals.
The fairy's voice was soothing yet tinged with a hint of mischief. "I took your reflection to save you, my child," she said. "The wraiths wanted to capture your body, and without a reflection, you would be invisible to them."
Mary's heart pounded in her chest. "But why didn't you tell me? I have the right to decide my fate."
The fairy's eyes softened with understanding. "I did what I believed was best to protect you, but I see now that I underestimated your strength and resilience. It is time to restore what is rightfully yours."
With a wave of her dainty hand, the fairy chanted an ancient incantation. Mary felt a tingling sensation on her skin as her reflection returned. Relief washed over her as she saw her own face, alive with emotion, staring back at her.
"I apologize for my actions," the fairy said sincerely. "Your bravery in facing the wraiths proved that you are capable of protecting yourself. From this day forth, you shall be known as the Guardian of Reflections, entrusted with the task of protecting the sacred mirrors of the forest."
Mary nodded, accepting the responsibility that had been thrust upon her. With her newly regained reflection, she felt a renewed determination coursing through her veins. She would not only protect herself but also help others retrieve their stolen reflections, ensuring that the enchantment of the dark forest did not consume those who ventured within.
As she walked back through the forest, Mary couldn't help but smile. Though the road ahead would be challenging, she now understood the power that lay within her. With her reflection intact, she would face any darkness that came her way, shining a light on the path of others who had lost their way in the shadows.

To be continued...

Emmanuel Shadrach

10 Blog posts
