The length to which the prosperity preachers were taking the matter of tithing, one would think tithing has made many tithers, themselves inclusive, the richest men in the world, however that couldn't be any further from the truth, because tithing has never made any man become world's richest, not even one.
Even king Solomon, the only man the Bible called world's richest, it wasn't tithing that made him the richest man in history.
In fact God Himself (who made Solomon richer than all those who lived before and after him) said the reason He gave Solomon such an unprecedented amount of riches, was because Solomon didn't ask for riches for himself, but the things that mattered to God. 1 Kings 3:11-13 (KJV)
And the world's richest man today (Elon Musk) does not even go to church, talk less of paying tithe to anyone. Infact, he said he doesn't believe in anything supernatural.
So why do pastors keep preaching tithing as an easy way to riches?
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Shaibu Dauda
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